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Lab publishes new paper in JCI Insight

Yingxiao (TK) Shi and colleagues in the Ichida Lab developed induced motor neuron (iMN) models from C9ORF72 and sporadic ALS (sALS) patients, which together comprise ~90% of patients. iMNs from C9ORF72 and several sporadic ALS patients share two common defects involving autophagosomes and glutamate receptors. An anticoagulation-deficient form of activated protein C, 3K3A-APC, rescues these…Continue Reading Lab publishes new paper in JCI Insight

Yichen Li and Justin Ichida publish preview in Cell Stem Cell

Direct lineage conversion offers a fast and simple method to study mature neurons in vitro, but its utility for investigating neurodevelopment has remained unclear. Yichen Li and Justin Ichida preview research by Chanda et al. (2019), using Ngn2-induced neurons to elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of the teratogenic compound valproic acid. To read the preview, visit…Continue Reading Yichen Li and Justin Ichida publish preview in Cell Stem Cell