It’s hard to obtain research funding for safe ideas, and it’s even harder to find funding for risky ones. But thanks to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s Awards, USC Stem Cell scientists Justin Ichida and Zhongwei Li have secured the funding to pursue their high-risk, high-reward ideas for treating ALS and kidney disease.
The NIH Director’s Awards honor exceptionally creative scientists proposing unconventional approaches for addressing major challenges in biomedical and behavioral research. The awards are supported by the NIH Common Fund as part of the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program, which recognizes scientists who think beyond traditional bounds and pursue trailblazing ideas that advance knowledge and enhance health.
To read more, visit https://stemcell.keck.usc.edu/justin-ichida-and-zhongwei-li-receive-nih-directors-awards.