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Curiosity, commitment and compassion drive Yichen Li’s research in neurodegenerative diseases

Yichen Li has always been driven to understand the world around her. Growing up in an Eastern province in China, Li’s inquisitive nature steered her toward science. “When I was a girl, I wouldn’t stop asking my dad questions, such as what is light, electricity or heat,” she said. Li’s father shared the same delight…Continue Reading Curiosity, commitment and compassion drive Yichen Li’s research in neurodegenerative diseases

Justin Ichida and Dion Dickman: USC’s coolest tenured professors from Hawaii

Now that Justin Ichida and Dion Dickman are both tenured professors at USC, they no longer have to worry about who was the coolest kid in their elementary schools back in Honolulu. But just for the record, it was Ichida. To read more, visit https://stemcell.keck.usc.edu/scientists-justin-ichida-and-dion-dickman-uscs-coolest-tenured-professors-from-hawaii….Continue Reading Justin Ichida and Dion Dickman: USC’s coolest tenured professors from Hawaii